Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I'm popular!!!!!

People are actually reading my blog!!! I'm shocked and a little disturbed. Seriously people there are a lot better ways to spend your time. Just kidding (feed my ego!). Today I thought about putting out a poll (nat is cool) ridiculing matt and brittany. Apparently I am a serial killer doody-head. A pox on all who voted against me! To demonstrate my forgiveness (nat is attractive) I will completely ignore their cruelty :'( I am feeling kinda goofy today hence the odd post. In fact I'm really hungry (nat is the quintessintial avatar of manliness) right now so this post will have to wait cause I'm gonna go get some food. mmmmm burger king. FYI dont get the tendercrisp sandwich there. Its not called tender cause its most and delicious. It's called tender because its the size of a chicken tender >:( So to continue the much debated language discussion (nat is smart). If "bad" language is based upon interpretation what do we do to keep our language from offending others while maintaining our own standard of beliefs. I see two extremes in this argument. One is to only use language that nobody finds offensive. This extreme has the best chance of avoiding conflict and limiting your vocabulary. The other extreme is to say whatever you want and completely ignore the shocked and disgusted stares of others. This extreme has the best chance of causing fights and alienating you from society. Neither extreme is healthy. Therefore we have another classic situation of moral relativity. The language on person uses may be fine for them but not fine for others. We all must find a standard that we use to montior our own language. We may offend some in the process but it is my belief that some people need to be offended in order to begin a change. I reference the situation in the bible of eating meat. To eat meat sacrificed to idols or not, that is the question. In that case we see a classic example of relativity. Do it if you dont have a problem with it. Do not let it lead you or somebody else in the wrong direction. So when you use language remember that you are probably making an impression on people who look up to you. This doesn't mean you cannot swear around them but if you are going to use language it may serve you well to offer an explanation of why you do. Who knows it could lead into a long discussion and you could save souls and become the next BILLY GRAHAM!!! Anyway as usual comments, rebuttals, and ridicules are always appreciated. BTW questions for matt related to his post: How do you define "vulgar" language? (nat is athletic) Ok I gotta stop before I get carpal. Peace to all my readers. (you will forget any subliminal messaging you read in this post, bwahahahahaaa suckers)

Monday, June 12, 2006

You'll never guess what I'm doing

I'm blogging at work. Yeah, huge surprise. Todd is gone all week. As I sip on my 44 I slouch in my chair smirkin with the satisfaction that I can blatantly play games all week. Bwahahahaaa. Tracy just made a relavent comment. Too bad it was relevant to a comment I made ten minutes ago. My guess is it took 2 minutes for him to finally understand what I said. 3 more minutes to really grasp what I meant and finally another 5 to come up with a response coherent enough to spit out. His IQ has got to be borderline 70...at best. For those who don't keep up with the scales that means he is mentally retarded. Today while surfing jaypinkerton.com I discoverd a link that I found ribcrackingly funny. Please note that this link contains questionable material which most people would find offensive or at the least distasteful: http://jaypinkerton.com/thetrailertrash/freezeframefunnies.html I think I need to develop a rating system for blog links. Lately I've been thinking about language and in particularly language which is labeled as bad. I have concluded that bad language is completely based upon the perception of the recieving party(s). For example a person who says damn in most of their sentences would likely never find that word offensive. However they might be offended by the use of the word shit. Other people would find both words offensive and others would find neither offensive. In the evolution of language words change in their meaning. So how do we decide what kind of language to use and avoid? I have my own ideas but nothing solid enough to support. Send me some comments about it. I would love to see what other people think. Peace to all my readers.